This Is How My Body Transformed When I Quit Eating Breakfast for 2 Long Years

Mythri Bharadwaj
4 min readApr 25, 2022

There Are More Bonuses to It Beyond Weight Loss

Photo by Pablo Merchán Montes on Unsplash

Coming from a diversified country like India, fasting has been a part of our history for ages, and many cultures encourage fasting as part of a ritual. So it’s not something new to me. But the whole concept of Intermittent Fasting and its scientifically backed benefits is what intrigued me to try it.

First, let’s get this notion out of our way: Fasting is neither Dieting nor Starving.

There… I’ve said it!

Fasting means you’re choosing to not eat. By choice.

And… Intermittent Fasting is typically time-restricted eating (16:8 is the most commonly followed method).

I didn’t need any more convincing in December 2019 when I learned that the advantages of Intermittent Fasting are medically supported and outweigh the risks.

Like everyone else, the first motivation for me was “fat loss,” but it wasn’t until I was well down the rabbit hole that I realized it was improving my overall health (better than it had ever been).

To begin with, I made sure that I

  • Take it easy(one step at a time).
  • Feed me enough protein in the eating window.
  • Eat only when hungry.

The Perks of Waking Up Late

Because I’m an afternoon person, I ate my first meal around 11:30 a.m., so skipping breakfast was a piece of cake. I eventually decided to prolong it till 12:30 p.m.

Being a night owl didn’t make it any easier

The most difficult thing was eating my final meal before 8 p.m. and not bingeing past my eating window.

Photo by Laura Chouette on Unsplash

The Roller Coaster Beginning

I started with a 12-hour fasting window in the first week of my Intermittent Fasting adventure and progressively worked my way up to the 16:8 plan.

When I first started,

  1. I could tell I was both physically and mentally exhausted.
  2. I merely had the energy to do a 20-minute workout.
  3. I awoke feeling irritated after being denied late-night bingeing

All of this, only to discover afterward that it was all a trick of my mind (normal when challenging yourself to cultivate a new habit).

After the hard egg had been cracked

Fasting for 16 hours didn’t seem too tough once I got the swing of it. And the drastic changes that my body and mind underwent were incredible.

  1. I awoke calm yet energized.
  2. Throughout the day, I noticed a boost in my energy.

I could easily do a 30–50 minute weight training or HIIT workout (even in a fasted state).

That being said,

3. My meditation sessions began to produce more positive outcomes.

4. There was no sluggishness in my mind at all.

5. The desire to binge late at night was nearly gone.

6. It shifted my perspective on food, and I made instinctively healthier dietary choices as a result.

7. My metabolism was working overtime.

The next advantage came as a complete surprise.

8. My productivity skyrocketed, and I was able to do more things on an empty stomach than I ever could on a full stomach.

9. The quality of my sleep improved.

10. My skin was in the best condition it has ever been, and I believe it to be the most crucial and fantastic benefit.

Finally, the long-awaited response you’ve all been waiting for:

11. Yes! I was able to reduce my body fat by 10% in just seven months and have maintained that level since then.

According to Harvard University research, Intermittent Fasting over ten weeks likely resulted in a weight loss of 7–11 pounds (3–5 kgs approx.).

Addressing A Couple Of Concerns

  1. Was I able to stick to the 16-hour fast every day?

Yes! No!

Truthfully, there are times when you just want to sit down and have a meal with your friends and family, and I never let Intermittent Fasting get in the way of that.

Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

2. Is it likely that I’ll keep doing Intermittent Fasting?

I’m writing this in April 2022, and I’m still following Intermittent Fasting (it’s been a little over 2 years).

Honestly, it’s a lifestyle change that you make on your terms. Intermittent Fasting, unlike other restrictive diets that kill you mentally before they kill you physically, is a long-term solution.


Intermittent Fasting restricts when you can eat rather than what you can eat. As a result, it is practical and long-term.

That being said, if you choose to fuel yourself with nutrient-dense, high-protein foods, you will see incredible benefits.

Intermittent Fasting can aid weight loss and develop eating discipline. It’s also one of the few diets that allows you to keep more muscle mass while losing fat. It may be beneficial to some people, but it is not for everyone. As such, be certain that it is appropriate for you.

If you loved reading about my Intermittent Fasting journey and wish to know about my fitness journey, read How Exercising Every Day Changed Me: 365 Days of My Empowerment

If you’re excited to explore more about Intermittent Fasting, you can read Intermittent Fasting 101: Guide to the Powerful Fat Loss Tool

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Mythri Bharadwaj

A creative and a strategic Health & Wellness writer. When I’m not typing away, I’m reading fiction novels or sweating it out at the gym to my fav BTS songs.