7 Simple Yet Powerful Mindset Shifts for Success I Learned the Hard Way

Mythri Bharadwaj
5 min readOct 7, 2021

You’ll understand why people say “Every cloud has a silver lining” after reading this post.

Photo by kylie De Guia on Unsplash

Why seek inspiration outside when you have a deep ocean within?

Gratitude is the single most powerful source of inspiration that you can tap into just by focussing on what you already have rather than what you don’t. This powerful tool can change your life because it teaches that things will not always go your way; and no matter the hurdles you’re put through, something good will come out of it.

I learned this the hard way, but better late than never, right?

Pandemic has made us all realize the importance of We before Me; the importance of spending time with our loved ones, and essentially of spending time gaining awareness about ourselves.

With that being said, 2022 is just a couple of months ahead, and with all that we have been through these past couple of years, it’s quite natural to feel that all opportunities have ceased to exist, to feel lost.

But what if, instead of thinking we’re lost and seeing a grim future ahead, we view it as a challenge and tap our potential to find new ways to live life better?

Heard of this English proverb?

“When the going gets tough, the tough get going”

Similarly, just a change in mindset, and there’s a whole new world awaiting you.

And here is why…

These are the 7 simple mindset shifts that I challenged myself to practice during the pandemic and the results were stunning:

  1. Meditate to think clearly

The thing is…

Meditation helps increase your focus to get any task done, and practicing Meditation has been a game-changer for sure.

I learned that It’s not about controlling your thoughts, but acknowledging them and knowing how much importance to give them. I was introduced to this very concept of gratitude because of Meditation.

2. Exercise to stay healthy

Instead of coming up with excuses to stay fit and healthy during this time, I trained myself to work out at home diligently without making excuses.

But Surprisingly…

For a girl who believed one can’t work out unless it’s at a gym (guilty), now, I have a better physique than in my 6years of fitness sessions at Gym.

3. Eat to nourish your body

I learned that no diet is going to get me a dream physique if I can’t be consistent with it. Thus, I shifted to intuitive eating- giving my body and mind all the nutrition it needs.

You see…

Health is the topmost priority when it comes to achieving anything. So always focus on staying healthy.

Extending the benefits of this powerful mindset shift to other fields of life, this is what I learned:

4. Don’t say NO without trying

I rewired my brain to be able to try and learn new things without associating myself with a past identity.

Have you ever wondered?

How the same internet can be used to mindlessly scroll through social media or used to upskill oneself.

Internet is a boon that makes learning something just a click away, and I take up new courses whenever possible to learn something new.

Instead of saying NO to anything that I’m unaware of, Now I try to ask

“Why give up even before trying?”

P.s. It’s a life-long challenge

Photo by Franciele da Silva on Unsplash

5. Let go of Fixed mentality

I realized how my constant rejection to take up a certain task because of not having prefixed knowledge about it only made me a person with a fixed mindset, ceasing my growth and potential as a human.

You see…

Having a growth mindset allows you to take up new challenges; learn new things every day, and paves way for being a better version of yourself.

With that being said, I started a new job and put more effort into my work- learning new things, and constantly upskilling myself for the new challenging role up my sleeve.

6. Read to understand the world better

I picked up my long-lost habit of Reading books again. Now, I look for a book the moment I wake up or before falling asleep. I was able to gain insights about a multitude of topics from a wide range of books in the past couple of months.

Now I question myself

“Why did I give up this true pleasure for the sake of scrolling mindlessly on a phone?”

7. Write to know yourself better

This was the turning point of my new normal journey that helped me organize my thoughts better and made me realize where my skill lies.

I was drawn to writing, thanks to my reading craze; and I took up writing somewhere at the end of last year (cliche, but not guilty at all). I haven't looked back ever since.

P.s. I even made some fair income through this side-hustle.

But truthfully…

One essential thing that this unfaltering pandemic has taught me is to:

Feel grateful for even the slightest opportunity to be able to talk to people face to face and greet each other with hugs.

Now, I consider It would be great to live in a world like that again.

You see...

If there’s one thing I want you to take away from this post, it’s to take things slowly, one step at a time. You have more days ahead than you have spent, so hang on to that hope and START NOW to make good use of the days ahead.

To know my thoughts on the covid situation in India, read Hoping for Better Tomorrow: Indians Living in a Health Crisis

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Mythri Bharadwaj

A creative and a strategic Health & Wellness writer. When I’m not typing away, I’m reading fiction novels or sweating it out at the gym to my fav BTS songs.